101-150 of 172 results (13ms)
2017-09-11 §
15:44 <paladox> revoking puppet for gerrit-test3. [git]
2017-09-07 §
21:20 <Zppix> created accounts for the Wikimedia Scoring Platform team due to recreation of auth database [git]
2017-09-04 §
20:26 <paladox> upgrading gerrit from 2.14.3-pre to 2.14-4-pre (2.14.3 was released, but i built from the 2.14 branch). [git]
2017-08-11 §
14:26 <paladox> upgrading gerrit-test3 to gerrit 2.14.3 pre [git]
2017-08-02 §
18:07 <paladox> enable puppet again on gerrit-mysql - deploying https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/#/c/369681/ [git]
15:20 <paladox> disabling puppet on gerrit-mysql temp for icinga2 update (changed configuation needs change in the repo) [git]
2017-08-01 §
17:53 <paladox> upgrading gerrit on gerrit-new.wmflabs.org to 2.14.2-2449-gc8fa38496c (bazel build release) (master branch). Testing wikimedia branding for prod and the move change feature [git]
2017-07-27 §
16:50 <paladox> restarting gerrit-test3 gerrit to pickup https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/#/c/368196/ [git]
16:49 <paladox> cherrypicking https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/#/c/368196/ to see if it has side affects [git]
2017-07-24 §
10:32 <paladox> upgrading gerrit to 2.14.2 final on gerrit-test3 [git]
2017-07-21 §
00:49 <paladox> switch ldap on gerrit to gerrit-test3.git.eqiad.wmflabs [git]
00:48 <paladox> installed mediawiki vagrant for ldap [git]
2017-07-20 §
23:31 <paladox> applying role::openldap::labtest to gerrit-test3 [git]
23:21 <paladox> shut down gerrit temp on gerrit-test3 for preperations for installing local ldap [git]
2017-07-19 §
22:15 <paladox> restart icinga2 to pick up ldap new cert. [git]
22:14 <paladox> restart gerrit on gerrit-test and gerrit-test3 [git]
22:13 <paladox> restart apache on all instances [git]
21:29 <bd808> Synced puppet with upstream, forced puppet run, restarted nscd and nslcd [git]
2017-07-18 §
12:29 <paladox> upgrade gerrit-test3 to latest from stable-2.14 branch and cherry-pick this https://gerrit-review.googlesource.com/#/c/112550/ [git]
2017-07-06 §
12:47 <paladox> upgrade puppet-phabricator to stretch from jessie using https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-upgrade-debian-8-jessie-to-debian-9-stretch [git]
2017-07-05 §
18:37 <Zppix> restarting gerrit-test3 weird gerrit.service issues with limited helpful logs [git]
17:56 <paladox> upgrading puppet-paladox3 to stretch from jessie using https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-upgrade-debian-8-jessie-to-debian-9-stretch [git]
2017-06-30 §
14:19 <paladox> upgrading gerrit on gerrit-test3 to gerrit 2.14.2 (pre) [git]
2017-06-26 §
11:13 <paladox> upgrade gerrit-test from jessie -> stretch following https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-upgrade-debian-8-jessie-to-debian-9-stretch [git]
2017-06-23 §
21:58 <paladox> restarting gerrit-mysql, will startup as stretch [git]
21:28 <paladox> upgrading gerrit-mysql to stretch (jessie -> stretch) sed -i 's/jessie/stretch/g' /etc/apt/sources.list apt-get update apt-get upgrade apt-get dist-upgrade [git]
2017-06-16 §
17:56 <Zppix> running apt-get dist-upgrade on gerrit-mysql to ensure running on latest packages and updates [git]
2017-06-09 §
16:48 <paladox> moving gerrit-test3 back to gerrit 2.14.1 for testing after finding a possible fix for T152640 [git]
2017-06-07 §
18:06 <paladox> gerrit-test3 saving backup of gerrit 2.14 and downgrading to 2.13.8 to try and reproduce T152640 [git]
2017-05-30 §
18:27 <paladox> running apt-get dist-upgrade on jenkins-slave-01 [git]
17:52 <paladox> upgrading jenkins-slave-01 to stretch (jessie -> stretch upgrade using this guide https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-upgrade-debian-8-jessie-to-debian-9-stretch) [git]
2017-05-16 §
16:24 <paladox> upgrading gerrit on gerrit-test3 to 2.14.1 (stable-2.14 branch, not released yet) [git]
2017-05-10 §
12:44 <Zppix> updating puppet-paladox3 instance using 'apt-get distupgrade' [git]
2017-04-26 §
17:08 <paladox> upgrade complete and works. [git]
16:59 <paladox> forgot to mention im doing this on gerrit-test3 [git]
16:40 <paladox> upgrading gerrit from 2.13.4 to 2.14.0 to test [git]
2016-12-19 §
21:39 <mutante> created instance puppet-paladox so he can use puppet::self for testing his suggested pupppet changes [git]
2016-10-20 §
19:45 <paladox> doing -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC works in gerrit-test3, just gerrit-test is playing up, calling this a success. [git]
17:14 <paladox> gerrit-test using just -XX:+UseG1GC failed but doing -Xmx50m -Xms50m -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=200 worked. [git]
16:57 <paladox> testing –XX:+UseG1GC on jvm on gerrit-test (gerrit) and if successful will hopefulyl roll out to production [git]
2016-08-24 §
10:33 <paladox_> upgrading gerrit on gerrit-test [git]
2016-08-12 §
20:17 <paladox> reenable puppet on gerrit-test3, test was success :). [git]
19:54 <paladox> disabling puppet temp on gerrit-test3 for change https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/#/c/302980/ (Owner ostriches) [git]
2016-08-09 §
20:58 <paladox> re enabling puppet on gerrit-test3 [git]
2016-08-08 §
20:59 <paladox> disabled acme-setup in gerrit-test3 [git]
20:57 <paladox> enabling puppet on gerrit-test3 again [git]
2016-08-07 §
16:59 <paladox> disabling puppet on gerrit-test3, testing a change that will allow https to run on labs. [git]
2016-08-05 §
22:52 <paladox> live testing gerrit-test3 changes things and disabling puppet for temp now [git]
2016-08-03 §
20:51 <paladox> recreating gerrit-test3 instance [git]
2016-08-02 §
19:30 <paladox> adding Alex Monk (Krenair) to project [git]