151-173 of 173 results (16ms)
2016-08-02 §
19:30 <paladox> adding Alex Monk (Krenair) to project [git]
2016-07-28 §
21:08 <paladox> starting gerrit-test seeing if it will log to phabricator (phab-01) [git]
20:59 <paladox> taking gerrit-test down again to test its-phabricator bot [git]
20:04 <paladox> started gerrit-test again with another fix [git]
20:00 <paladox> taking gerrit-test down again so i can fix the regix of its-phabricator [git]
19:59 <paladox> gerrit-test started with bin/gerrit.sh run [git]
19:56 <paladox> starting gerrit-test [git]
2016-07-12 §
18:48 <mutante> deleted instance git-phab-03 [git]
18:48 <mutante> deleted instance git-phab [git]
13:17 <paladox> deleting instance git-redirects-01.git.eqiad.wmflabs (I forgot to do that the other day) [git]
2016-07-09 §
12:12 <paladox> setting up zuul [git]
2016-07-08 §
22:24 <paladox> reinstalling jenkins [git]
21:43 <paladox> configuring gerrit settings on users account on gerrit [git]
21:43 <paladox> Reinstalled gerrit on gerrit-test instance [git]
16:33 <andrewbogott> deleting gerrit-test and adding a new instance, gerrit-test-2 [git]
14:57 <paladox> upgrade zuul to 2.1.0-151-g30a433b-wmf1jessie1 on gerrit-test [git]
14:13 <paladox> generating zuul 2.1.0-151-g30a433b-wmf1jessie1 package for jessie using jenkins-slave-01 instance. [git]
2016-07-05 §
14:01 <paladox> loggin what i did yesturday with hashar, we setup zuul and gerrit properly. [git]
2016-07-04 §
13:30 <paladox> installing Gearman plugin in jenkins on gerrit-test instance [git]
11:34 <paladox> deleting git-phab4 instance not needed and will free space in labs. [git]
2016-06-15 §
17:40 <paladox> upgrading git-phab-3 instances phabricator, libphutil and arcanist to master branch. [git]
2016-06-14 §
18:14 <paladox> restarting apache2. [git]
2016-06-09 §
00:19 <mutante> how about this [git]