12 results (14ms)
2020-05-29 §
19:39 <bstorm_> switch deployment to the openresty version to try it out T252217 [tools.paws-public]
18:12 <bstorm_> applied in-place fix for non-ASCII usernames and applied this to my own version of the image T252217 [tools.paws-public]
2020-03-03 §
22:23 <bstorm_> deleted all resources on the old cluster T246519 [tools.paws-public]
22:20 <bd808> Added bstorm_, chicocvenancio, and bd808 as co-maintainers [tools.paws-public]
22:20 <bstorm_> created ingress for paws-public.wmflabs.org and deleted old service object T246519 [tools.paws-public]
22:07 <bstorm_> removing the service object on the old cluster again T246519 [tools.paws-public]
21:57 <bstorm_> recreated the service on the old cluster because it didn't work right away? T246519 [tools.paws-public]
21:55 <bstorm_> launched ingress on the new cluster, removing the service object on the old cluster T246519 [tools.paws-public]
16:47 <bstorm_> deploy services and deployments on the 2020 k8s cluster via kubectl apply -f deploy.yaml T246519 [tools.paws-public]
16:38 <bstorm_> increased the services quota to 2 in the 2020 k8s cluster T246519 [tools.paws-public]
2020-03-01 §
01:42 <bstorm_> set the current context to 'default' to make migration easier for now using ~/bin/kubectl [tools.paws-public]
01:39 <bstorm_> added a local version of kubectl 1.4.12 for talking to the old cluster in ~/bin/ [tools.paws-public]