3051-3100 of 3157 results (26ms)
2019-07-18 §
12:00 <arturo> create toolsbeta-test-k8s-worker-2 as buster to check status of latest puppet code [toolsbeta]
09:28 <arturo> re-create toolsbeta-test-k8s-master-{1,2,3} as buster to test T228267 [toolsbeta]
2019-07-17 §
09:51 <arturo> re-create VM toolsbeta-test-k8s-worker-1 as Debian Buster T215531 [toolsbeta]
09:13 <arturo> create VM toolsbeta-test-k8s-master-4 (Debian Buster) T215531 [toolsbeta]
2019-07-15 §
12:29 <arturo> create `toolsbeta-test-k8s-etcd` puppet prefix [toolsbeta]
12:27 <arturo> create `toolsbeta-test-k8s-etcd-1` VM T215531 [toolsbeta]
2019-07-03 §
10:49 <arturo> recreate `toolsbeta-test-k8s-master-1` VM (T215531) [toolsbeta]
09:32 <arturo> create `toolsbeta-test-k8s-worker-1` VM and a puppet prefix for it (T215531) [toolsbeta]
09:22 <arturo> delete all `toolsbeta-arturo-k8s-*` instances. We no longer require them per new approach at T215531 [toolsbeta]
2019-07-02 §
17:24 <arturo> `aborrero@toolsbeta-test-k8s-lb-01:~ $ sudo generate_haproxy_default.sh` (T215531) [toolsbeta]
10:32 <arturo> re-creating toolsbeta-test-k8s-master-1 (T215531) for it to be created without swap [toolsbeta]
2019-07-01 §
17:13 <arturo> re-creating instance `toolsbeta-test-k8s-master-1` with more CPU for T215531 [toolsbeta]
17:03 <arturo> updated FQDN `toolsbeta-k8s-master.toolsbeta.wmflabs.org` with (the new LB VM) for T215531 [toolsbeta]
17:02 <arturo> re-creating instance `toolsbeta-test-k8s-lb-01` with more CPU for T215531 [toolsbeta]
16:58 <arturo> add puppet prefix `toolsbeta-test-k8s-lb` for T215531 [toolsbeta]
11:50 <arturo> add sssd hiera config for `toolsbeta-test-k8s-master` prefix [toolsbeta]
2019-06-28 §
19:10 <bstorm_> T215531 removed toolsbeta-arturo-k8s-master-2/3 and added toolsbeta-test-k8s-master-1 for testing kubeadm [toolsbeta]
2019-06-25 §
10:35 <arturo> create puppet prefix `toolsbeta-arturo-k8s-worker` for T215531 [toolsbeta]
10:35 <arturo> create 2 VMs toolsbeta-arturo-k8s-worker-[1,2] for T215531 [toolsbeta]
2019-06-21 §
11:42 <arturo> re-create 3 VMs toolsbeta-arturo-k8s-etcd-[1-3] to test latest puppet code in T226098 [toolsbeta]
2019-06-19 §
10:39 <arturo> add myself to the `toolsbeta.admin` LDAP group (T225303) [toolsbeta]
2019-06-14 §
16:24 <bstorm_> Manually failed "back" to the toolsbeta-sgegrid-master to get the grid functioning again in toolsbeta [toolsbeta]
16:03 <bstorm_> T221721 hard rebooted toolsbeta-sgegrid-master because it had oomkilled basically everything [toolsbeta]
15:55 <bstorm_> T221721 deleted toolsbeta-proxy-01 until it can be actively worked on. [toolsbeta]
15:51 <bstorm_> deleted toolsbeta-k8s-lb-01 since it isn't being actively worked on just now [toolsbeta]
2019-06-06 §
12:14 <arturo> T215531 create 3 VMs `toolsbeta-arturo-k8s-etcd-[1-3]` [toolsbeta]
12:13 <arturo> T215531 add `toolsbeta-arturo-k8s-etcd`* puppet prefix [toolsbeta]
12:12 <arturo> T215531 add `toolsbeta-arturo-k8s-test` puppet prefix [toolsbeta]
2019-06-05 §
12:40 <arturo> rebase git repos in toolsbeta-puppetmaster-02. There was some rebase problems in labs/private that required me re-creating by hand one of the [local] patches (puppetdb secrets) [toolsbeta]
12:33 <arturo> drop VM instances toolsbeta-k8s-master-arturo-[1-3] and create toolsbeta-arturo-k8s-master-[1-3] T215531 [toolsbeta]
12:32 <arturo> drop puppet prefix `toolsbeta-k8s-master-arturo` and create `toolsbeta-arturo-k8s-master` since there is also `toolsbeta-k8s-master` which get applied to my VMs T215531 [toolsbeta]
11:42 <arturo> create VM `toolsbeta-k8s-master-arturo-3` for T215531 (so I have 3 master nodes in this k8s deployment) [toolsbeta]
11:38 <arturo> delete instances arturo-sgeexec-sssd-test-2, arturo-sgeexec-sssd-test-1, arturo-bastion-sssd-test, unused [toolsbeta]
2019-05-24 §
11:49 <arturo> T224273 create `toolsbeta-k8s-master-arturo` puppet prefix in horizon [toolsbeta]
11:45 <arturo> T224273 create toolsbeta-k8s-master-arturo-[12] stretch VMs [toolsbeta]
11:17 <arturo> install by hand some openstack client packages that puppet would refuse to install in toolsbeta-k8s-master-01 [toolsbeta]
11:12 <arturo> mangle sources.list to handle some apt warnings related to missing repos, etc in toolsbeta-k8s-master-01: [toolsbeta]
11:12 <arturo> mangle sources.list to handle some apt warnings related to missing repos, etc [toolsbeta]
2019-05-07 §
10:22 <arturo> T219362 drop the `toolsbeta-exec` puppet prefix [toolsbeta]
10:20 <arturo> T219362 drop the `toolsbeta-webgrid-generic` puppet prefix [toolsbeta]
10:19 <arturo> T219362 drop the `toolsbeta-webgrid-lighttpd` puppet prefix [toolsbeta]
2019-04-25 §
04:17 <andrewbogott> edited resolv.conf on unpuppetized instances to use the new nameserver: toolsbeta-docker-registry-01, toolsbeta-k8s-lb-01, toolsbeta-proxy-01, toolsbeta-puppetdb-01, toolsbeta-sgegrid-master [toolsbeta]
2019-04-12 §
23:34 <mutante> - toolsbeta-k8s-master-01 - was out of disk space on / , puppet failed to run because out of disk, rename existing syslog.1.gz, gzip syslog.1, rename existing daemon.log.1.gz, gzip daemong.log.1 [toolsbeta]
00:05 <andrewbogott> migrating remaining VMs to eqiad1-r [toolsbeta]
2019-03-25 §
18:00 <bd808> All Trusty instances shutdown and now in process of deleting [toolsbeta]
17:42 <bd808> Preparing to shutdown beta Trusty job grid [toolsbeta]
2019-03-22 §
13:59 <arturo> create VMs arturo-sgeexec-sssd-test-[12] for testing T218126 [toolsbeta]
2019-03-15 §
10:23 <arturo> create VM `arturo-bastion-sssd-test` (T218126) [toolsbeta]
2019-02-20 §
14:58 <andrewbogott> moving toolsbeta-grid-master and toolsbeta-puppetmaster-02 to labvirt1003 [toolsbeta]
2019-02-14 §
18:30 <andrewbogott> moving toolsbeta-puppetdb-01 to labvirt1002 [toolsbeta]