1-50 of 6016 results (32ms)
2024-08-06 §
10:05 <stevemunene> disable puppet on an-test-client1002 to test new airflow version T365449 [analytics]
2024-08-05 §
10:51 <btullis> failing over HDFS namenode on hadoop-test cluster back to an-master1001 for T366555 [analytics]
10:32 <btullis> failing over HDFS namenode on hadoop-test cluster to an-master1002 for T366555 [analytics]
2024-08-02 §
16:00 <xcollazo> Deploy latest DAGs for analytics Airflow instance [analytics]
2024-07-31 §
19:25 <xcollazo> Ran DDL for wmf_dumps.wikitext_inconsistent_rows_rc1 https://gitlab.wikimedia.org/repos/data-engineering/dumps/mediawiki-content-dump/-/blob/91a343657d8053858a6c086004c549b9aa3245c0/hql/create-wmf_dumps_wikitext_inconsistent_rows.hql T368756 [analytics]
19:12 <xcollazo> deploy latest DAGS to analyics Airflow instance. [analytics]
2024-07-30 §
14:49 <mforns> deployed airflow analytics to update the commons category allow list [analytics]
2024-07-29 §
14:09 <SandraEbele_> rerunning airflow mediawiki_history_check_denormalize dag as down stream task after rerunning mediawiki_history_denormalize dag [analytics]
2024-07-23 §
18:58 <milimetric> done deploying refinery-source, deploying airflow dags now [analytics]
2024-07-22 §
13:27 <ottomata> restarting eventlogging-processor on eventlog1003 - something is wrong with the consumer...https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T353817#10002205 [analytics]
08:17 <brouberol> deploy istio (adding securityContext) to dse-k8s-eqiad cluster - T362978 [analytics]
2024-07-17 §
16:59 <btullis> deploying airflow-dags to pick up https://gitlab.wikimedia.org/repos/data-engineering/airflow-dags/-/merge_requests/762 for T367949 [analytics]
15:44 <ottomata> deploying refinery to pick up bump to gobblin wmf [analytics]
08:45 <btullis> stopping mariadb section 1-8 on clouddb1021 for T368518 [analytics]
2024-07-16 §
20:34 <ottomata> disabled produce_canary_events systemd timer to unblock mw on k8s. airflow should suffice now. T370186 [analytics]
10:18 <btullis> restarted `cirrussearch-dump-s5.service` on snapshot1017 after fixing issue with aewikimedia search indices for T362529 [analytics]
2024-07-11 §
13:18 <btullis> setting cephosd cluster to noout mode for T365996 [analytics]
13:17 <btullis> draining dse-k8s-worker1007 ready for T365996 [analytics]
13:14 <btullis> failed back hive and presto services to an-coord1003 [analytics]
10:09 <btullis> swapping an-mariadb100[1-2] roles back. [analytics]
09:29 <btullis> temporarily disabled gobblin ingestion to facilitate an-mariadb role swap. [analytics]
2024-07-10 §
10:10 <btullis> proceeding with an-mariadb role swap as per https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T365503#9965173 [analytics]
08:55 <btullis> temporarily pausing gobblin timers in advance of an-mariadb role switch [analytics]
2024-07-09 §
16:20 <btullis> deploying refinery to hdfs [analytics]
16:02 <btullis> Starting the refinery deployment [analytics]
13:41 <btullis> rebooting an-worker1080 for T366555 [analytics]
12:19 <btullis> failing over hive and presto to the standby coordinator for T348977 [analytics]
2024-07-08 §
10:21 <btullis> rolling out conda-analytics version 0.0.35 for T369240 and T369210 [analytics]
2024-07-03 §
19:08 <SandraEbele_> deploying airflow dags [analytics]
2024-07-02 §
15:50 <btullis> failing over hadoop yarn resourcemanager from an-master1004 to an-master1003 [analytics]
15:49 <btullis> failing over hadoop namenode from an-master1004 to an-master1003 [analytics]
10:26 <btullis> rebooting an-master1003 (current standby namenode and resourcemanager) for T366555 [analytics]
10:04 <btullis> killing stuck gobblin jobs [analytics]
2024-06-26 §
18:07 <xcollazo> 'Deployed latest DAGs to analytics Airflow instance.' [analytics]
18:01 <xcollazo> Deployed refinery using scap, then deployed onto hdfs [analytics]
16:26 <xcollazo> Deploying refinery using scap [analytics]
16:12 <xcollazo> Deployed refinery-source using jenkins [analytics]
11:47 <stevemunene> deploy conda-analytics v 0.0.32 to analytics airflow hosts T356231 T356230 [analytics]
11:33 <stevemunene> deploy conda-analytics v 0.0.32 to analytics stat hosts T356231 T356230 [analytics]
11:22 <stevemunene> deploy conda-analytics v 0.0.32 to analytics hadoop coordinator hosts T356231 T356230 [analytics]
11:12 <stevemunene> deploy conda-analytics v 0.0.32 to analytics hadoop worker hosts T356231 T356230 [analytics]
10:23 <stevemunene> debdeploy conda-analytics 0.0.32 to test cluster T356231 [analytics]
2024-06-18 §
15:02 <mforns> deployed airflow analytics to update CIM category allow-list [analytics]
14:23 <btullis> commencing roll-reboot of an-presto workers for T366555 [analytics]
07:42 <stevemunene> update miniconda version on `an-test-client` T356231 [analytics]
2024-06-17 §
16:20 <taavi@cloudcumin1001> END (PASS) - Cookbook wmcs.openstack.migrate_project_to_ovs (exit_code=0) [analytics]
16:15 <taavi@cloudcumin1001> START - Cookbook wmcs.openstack.migrate_project_to_ovs [analytics]
13:56 <joal> deleting old canary event job now that the new one has a new name [analytics]
13:00 <joal> Deploy analytics-airflow for webrequest jar version bump [analytics]
2024-06-13 §
16:28 <btullis> started copying sqldata.s1 from clouddbd1021 to an-redacteddb1001 for T365453 [analytics]